Yoga nidra

now, YOGA

Patanjali’s first teaching from the Yoga Sutras is “atha yoga anushasanam”, which means “now, the practice of yoga begins.”

Let’s start with some rounds of Surya Namaskar to prepare the body for meditation.

Watch the video to learn more, or if you already know the practice and the breathing pattern, you can use the audio below with the mantras to guide your flow.

Yoga nidra

Yoga nidra, also known as ‘yogic sleep’, is a simplified form of an ancient tantric relaxation technique. It combines guided mental imagery with a specific yoga posture called Shavasana (or “corpse pose”).

The goal of yoga nidra is to promote a profound state of relaxation, which differs from sleep in that there is still an awareness of one’s surroundings.

Yoga Nidra has roots in ancient Indian traditions and is mentioned in classical texts such as the Upanishads and the Yoga Sutras. It was systematized into a more structured practice in the 20th century, notably by Swami Satyananda Saraswati.

Duration: 20mins

more about the practice

During yoga nidra, various techniques are employed that can also be practiced independently.

  • Setting an Intention (Sankalpa): Sankalpa is a short, clear and positive personal resolution. Sankalpas are framed in the present tense, and it can be quite profound or something as basic as overcoming a personal habit, such as “I resolve to stop smoking”.

  • Body Scan: Attention is systematically directed to different parts of the body, promoting physical relaxation.

  • Breath Awareness: Focus shifts to the breath, fostering deeper relaxation and a connection to the present moment.

  • Visualization: Guided imagery or visualizations are used to engage the mind and evoke a sense of tranquility.

  • Sankalpa Repetition: The intention is repeated again to reinforce it in the subconscious mind.

  • Return to Awareness: Gradually, practitioners are guided back to a state of full wakefulness.


· How am I following my highest excitement, and what steps am I taking to act on it?

· What beliefs or thoughts are shifting to create a more positive and empowering reality?

· What synchronicities, positive outcomes, or manifestations am I noticing?