vision quest
Patanjali’s first teaching from the Yoga Sutras is “atha yoga anushasanam”, which means “now, the practice of yoga begins.”
Let’s start with some rounds of Surya Namaskar to prepare the body for meditation.
Watch the video to learn more, or if you already know the practice and the breathing pattern, you can use the audio below with the mantras to guide your flow.

This practice is designed to facilitate deep personal introspection and self-discovery by activating the imagination and the third eye (Ajna Chakra).
The ultimate goal of the Vision Quest is to tap into the subconscious mind, uncovering hidden hopes, fears, and desires. This practice is perfect for those who have trouble sleeping or overthinking, or for those who want to boost their imagination: visualize yourself in an unknown place and explore it using your imagination, allowing yourself to wonder and be surprised, paying attention to the details and letting go of any thoughts related to the real world or your day-to-day life.
The concept of a vision quest has deep roots in various indigenous cultures, particularly among Native American tribes, where it traditionally involves a solitary journey into nature to seek spiritual guidance and clarity. These cultural practices emphasize the importance of connecting with the natural world and one's inner self to gain wisdom and direction.
Duration: 10.36min

· What did you notice about your body, mind, and emotions during and after today's practice?
· Take a minute to reflect on the symbols and characters that you saw during this meditation. What is their meaning?
· How are you following your highest excitement, and what steps are you taking to act on it?
· What synchronicities, positive outcomes, or manifestations are you noticing?