nyasa meditation

We start the day energizing the body.

Surya Namaskar · 10 mins.
Standing Yoga Flow · 4 minutes.
Ground Flow + Pranayama · 10 minutes.

🌞 morning practice

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Nyasa is an ancient practice rooted in Yogic and Tantric traditions, designed to purify and prepare the body and mind for deeper spiritual practices. The term "Nyasa" translates to "placing" or "touching," and it involves the act of mentally or physically placing mantras on different parts of the body. Historically, Nyasa is mentioned in several sacred texts, including the Vedas and Tantras, where it is used as a preparatory ritual before meditation or worship. Over time, this practice has been adapted and interpreted in various spiritual traditions, including Taoist, alchemical, and occult practices, each incorporating elements of mental focus and energy alignment.

In the context of yogic practice, Nyasa is closely associated with the purification and activation of the chakras, the energy centers along the spine. The chakras are believed to store both positive and negative energies, which can influence our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. By performing Nyasa, one can systematically release attachments to negative energies or samskaras (mental impressions) stored in each chakra. This process, known as "Samskara Shuddhi," or purification of mental impressions, involves focusing attention on a specific chakra, chanting its corresponding bija (seed) mantra, and visualizing the release of impurities.

After the purification process, the practice shifts to the activation and balancing of the chakra. Here, the practitioner continues to focus on the chakra while chanting its bija mantra and affirming its positive attributes. For example, focusing on the heart chakra (Anahata) involves chanting "Yam" while cultivating feelings of love, compassion, and balance. Through this method, Nyasa becomes a powerful tool for aligning the body and mind, fostering a deeper connection to one's inner self, and enhancing spiritual growth.

Nyasa can be performed in various ways, whether seated, standing, or even lying down, depending on the tradition and intent. The practice is often used in conjunction with other meditative or ritualistic practices to create a holistic approach to spiritual development. Whether you are new to this practice or have some experience, Nyasa offers a profound way to engage with the energy systems within the body, leading to greater mental clarity, emotional balance, and spiritual awakening.

more about nyasa yoga

Nyasa Yoga is a type of internal energy work for the physical body that purifies its structure through activated prana.

Basically, Nyasa Yoga stimulates the body's prana-which is your own latent Qi, spiritual energy, vital energy or life force-into moving and then fully opening your nadis. Through methods that involve mantra and concentration, you generate and then lead your prana from place to place to open various sections of your body, and to create a "shield of divine protection" for the body as a whole.

In India, Nyasa practice is considered an important tantric rite for transforming or purifying your body, but only if you end up "washing" the area with Qi/prana so as to open up the local Qi channels (nadis).


Take a minute to write down in your diary what reflections are coming up after this meditation or describe your experience and how are you feeling.

Did any specific memory came up during this meditation? Where you able to fully feel it and dissolve it, or do you think you are still holding emotion from that memory?


· How am I following my highest excitement, and what steps am I taking to act on it?

· What beliefs or thoughts are shifting to create a more positive and empowering reality?

· What synchronicities, positive outcomes, or manifestations am I noticing?