
Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese practice that focuses on harmonizing individuals with their surrounding environment. It originates from the Taoist understanding of nature, particularly the concept of qi (or chi), which is the vital life force that flows through everything. The goal of Feng Shui is to optimize the flow of qi in a space, creating balance, health, prosperity, and well-being.
There is no better way to start your daily practice than harmonizing your dojo. Take 20 minutes to go through your space, decluttering it and allowing the energy to move better. Learn more here

Harmonize the body.
Surya Namaskar · 10 mins.
Standing Yoga Flow · 4 minutes.
Ground Flow + Pranayama · 12 minutes.
🌞 movement practice
(Click on the three lines
to go to the next video)

heart chakra or anahata
The Heart Chakra, known as Anahata in Sanskrit, is the fourth chakra in the traditional chakra system. Located at the center of the chest, it acts as a bridge between the physical and spiritual aspects of our being. It is associated with the color green, and its element is air, which signifies openness, freedom, and connection.
The heart chakra plays a crucial role in unifying the lower and higher aspects of our being, guiding us towards love and compassion for ourselves and others.

· How open am I to receiving and giving unconditional love, both to myself and others?
· In what ways can I practice compassion towards those who challenge me or hold different views?
· How can I invite more joy, gratitude, and appreciation into my life each day?

🌕 night practice
Yoga Nidra is an excellent practice to do right before going to sleep.
A proper use of Yoga Nidra can help with your sleep onset, ensuring you fall asleep quickly and are able to stay asleep throughout the night. Other benefits of Yoga Nidra include: Helping calm your sympathetic nervous system, otherwise known as the “fight or flight” response, and fosters a feeling of soothing relaxation.