Healthy relationships

We start the day energizing the body.
Surya Namaskar · 10 mins.
Standing Yoga Flow · 4 minutes.
Ground Flow + Pranayama · 10 minutes.
🌞 morning practice
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to go to the next video)

Developing compassion for oneself and others is a powerful method for cleansing karmic imprints in relationships. This process involves acknowledging and taking responsibility for any negative thoughts, actions, or emotions that may have caused conflict or disharmony. By doing so, we can embark on a profound journey of forgiveness.
You can do this meditation with someone specific in mind or in general.
healthy realtionships

· What did you notice about your body, mind, and emotions during and after today's practice?
· Do you believe you can truly forgive and develop compassion for those who hurt you?
· Are you able to develop that compassion and forgiveness for yourself?
· What synchronicities, positive outcomes, or manifestations are you noticing?

🌕 night practice
Yoga Nidra is an excellent practice to do right before going to sleep.
A proper use of Yoga Nidra can help with your sleep onset, ensuring you fall asleep quickly and are able to stay asleep throughout the night. Other benefits of Yoga Nidra include: Helping calm your sympathetic nervous system, otherwise known as the “fight or flight” response, and fosters a feeling of soothing relaxation.
An optional additional practice is to keep a journal next to your bed and start journaling your dreams right when you wake up.
Well, by recording your dreams, you can identify recurring themes, symbols, or patterns in your subconscious mind.
It can improve your ability to experience lucid dreams (which is something we will explore in future programs). As it helps you become more aware of your dream patterns and increases your ability to recognize when you are dreaming.
Also, dreams can be a rich source of creative ideas. Many artists, writers, and inventors have drawn inspiration from their dreams.